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Knock Shrine
Knock Shrine
Knock Shrine


Shrine | 13 mins

Knock Shrine has attracted millions visitors over the last one hundred years, including Pope John Paul ll and Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Since the apparition of Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph, John the Evangelist, angels and Jesus Christ in 1879 Knock Shrine has become a place of pilgrimage.


While the original church still stands, the complex now incorporates five churches including the Basilica. Services at the Shrine include daily Masses and Confessions and Anointing of the Sick. A large range of religious goods are on sale in several shops.


There are numerous cafés and restaurants. Most pilgrims find themselves refreshed after their visit, both physically and spiritually , and we trust that this will be your experience on your day at the Shrine.  The best way to see everything is to take a guided tour around the village which takes you through the beautifully landscaped Knock Shrine grounds visiting all places of interest including the Apparition Chapel and original Gable Wall, Papal Cross, Basilica, and Chapel of Reconciliation.
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